Installation Reports from operator of high consumption furnaces used in smelting Aluminum
Required Evaluation Procedures
Proprietary Metal Alloy Technology

Technical Specifications of the Natural Gas/Propane - NG Series
Schedule 40 Steel for HO-50 to FHD-180
Nipple Diameters 1″, 2″, 3″, 4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ and 12″
Available NPT or Straight for Welding on a Flange
Designed to Withstand 350 PSI/24 Bar
Maximum Pressure at 300°F/148°C
δp (Delta P) Pressure Drop Up To: 1.5 PSI
20,000 Operating Hours Design
Product Is Made to Customer Specification
Acrylic Yellow Paint
Smaller and Larger Units Are Available